Can we collectively end the hot rumor that email marketing is dead. In fact, it brings an average ROI of $42 every $1 spent. It’s so crazy the conversion rate email marketing can give if done correctly.

So if you’ve feel like you’ve been “wasting” time sending emails that get little to no engagement, you most likely need to pivot your current email marketing strategy.

If this is relatable, keep reading because this is article is just what you need.

In this article I will be giving you 3 types of emails you need to be sending to your client list to upgrade your current email strategy & these work for every industry!

 Now lets dive in…



  1. Welcome Series
  2. Lead Nurturing
  3. Promotional

If you have a marketing budget, I highly recommend hiring a marketing agency to run your email marketing campaigns because you’ll see faster results than if you were to try to learn from scratch.

 I know not everybody has a budget for marketing so in this case I highly encourage you to invest in marketing classes that specialize in email.  

 Either way you need to be sending emails to nurture your users & stay top of mind so they pick you over your competition when they’re ready to buy.

 Now let’s get into the 3 types of emails you need to be sending!

1. Welcome Series (Most Important Email Marketing Flow)

A welcome series email flow is one of the most important series. This usually consists of 2-3 emails that will automatically be sent out throughout a time period to introduce yourself, your company, & your services/products. This is to get them hooked & wanting more content from you. Make sure you educate your audience on how your products/services can help solve a problem of theirs. If you are going to do any type of email marketing, start here.

2. Lead Nurturing 

A lead nurturing series email flow is an automated, personalized, email campaign used to take your users on a journey they may impact their buying process. This where you will send emails like tips on the industry, BTS in your company, newsletters, special offers, etc. Using a result-driven email marketing strategy, this will guide your users down the sales funnel towards conversion.

3. Promotional

Now I’m not saying to go run & spam your email list with promotional emails. In order to make sales, your users have to know who you are. They have to like & trust your brand – & once you have this, the sales will flow much easier. I want to remind you to not get so caught up in trying to nurture that you forget to sell. There has to be a balance. After all, they say the best marketing doesn’t feel like marketing. Give, give, give, but don’t forget to show them you have a service/product that can help solve their problems.

There you have it, the 3 emails you need to be sending in your business & include in your email marketing strategy.

Besides all of the amazing benefits email marketing offers, it also helps strengthen your branding. The way you design the emails, the colors, your logo, your brand voice – it all ties together to create strong branding, which makes your business more memorable.


Email marketing is one of the more cost effecting marketing channels, & servers such as Mailchimp have simplified the process, allowing for greater customization & automation. There are so many email marketing servers that are user friendly & offer tons of customization – research a few that catch your eye & get started.

 Of course, email marketing is far more complex and multilayered to be covered in a single article. Other aspects such as frequency, copy, and design also play crucial roles in open rate and engagement.

➡️➡️For questions on how to get an email campaign up & running, click here & ask me!


Alternatively, click here to have a team of experts do it for you.


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